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ICMR-National Institute of Virology

Director's Desk

Dr Naveen Kumar, PhD

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It gives me immense pleasure to present the remarkable achievements and significant milestones accomplished by the ICMR-National Institute of Virology over the past two years. The NIV is an apex institute in the area of virology and has shown commitment during crises and emergencies such as those seen during COVID-19. It has shown remarkable responses to outbreak investigations and the diagnosis of newly emerging and existing viral diseases. The NIV is also extending its research support to neighboring countries in terms of capacity building, sharing diagnostic resources and facilities, surveillance, and outbreak investigations, as and when required.

We began the year 2022, with a momentous occasion—the inauguration of the 'Mobile BSL-3 Laboratory'. This state-of-the-art facility symbolizes our commitment to indigenous innovation and preparedness for combating infectious diseases. The mobile BSL-3 laboratory was validated and field trials were conducted in Maharashtra and Kerala in 2023. It is a testament to our dedication to ensuring rapid and effective responses to emerging health threats.

ICMR-NIV continued to play a pivotal role in the fight against COVID-19. In the last two years, we screened over eight lakh clinical samples for SARS-CoV-2, providing critical data for epidemiological surveillance and control measures. The institute served as a central and regional depot for the storage, validation, and distribution of diagnostic reagents, ensuring quality control for laboratories nationwide. Furthermore, we dispatched the WHO SARS-CoV-2 EQAS panel to 649 laboratories across the country, enhancing testing capabilities and standardization. Genomic surveillance efforts yielded valuable insights into the evolution and spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants. Analysis of nearly 20,000 Indian SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequences revealed the predominance of the Omicron BA.2 lineage. We have conducted virus isolation and characterization studies on various variants of concern (VOCs) and variants under monitoring (VUMs), contributing to their implications in public health.

Circulars /Advertisements /Tenders

Quotation/Rate Inquiry/Objections for ATE No. ICMR-NIV/MAINTENANCE/PP NO. 3841/2024-25 for Providing and fixing Armstrong metal false celling with 0.5mm thick standard perforated metal clip in tiles.Bid End Date : 18/02/2025.कोटेशन प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि है 18/02/2025.

Circular regarding Submission of Declaration of Dependents for medical facilities-2025

Quotation/Rate Inquiry/Objections for Chikungunya E2 Protein Monoclonal Antibody(CHK 152), Make - Leinco Technologies, Cat. No.C450-100MG, Qty. 1 Pack.(चिकनगुनिया ई2 प्रोटीन मोनोक्लोनल एंटीबॉडी (सीएचके 152), - उत्पाद का निर्माण - लींको टेक्नोलॉजीज,कैटलॉग संख्या - C450-100MG,मात्रा - 1 पैक).Last Date 14/02/2025 .कोटेशन/आपत्ति प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि है .दिनांक 14/02/2025

Quotation/Rate Inquiry/Objections for 1.2x One Step RT PCR Mix Kit, Make - GCC Biotech, Cat. No.GTOS1005, No. of Reactions - 1000 rxn, Qty. 7 Packs(उत्पाद का नाम- 1. 2x वन स्टेप आरटी पीसीआर मिक्स किट, - उत्पाद का निर्माण - जीसीसी बायोटेक,कैटलॉग संख्या - GTOS1005, प्रतिक्रियाओं की संख्या - 1000 rxn, मात्रा - 7 पैक). Last Date 08/02/2025 till 3.00PM.

GeM Bid No.: GEM/2025/B/5883830, Dated 29/01/2025 Bid for Viral RNA Extraction Kit.(GeM बोली संख्या: GEM/2025/B/5883830, दिनांक 29/01/2025 वायरल आरएनए एक्सट्रैक्शन किट के लिए बोली). Last Date 13/02/2025

Quotation are invited for supply of ATE no. ICMR-NIV/ENTOMOLOGY/PP no. 4391/2024-25 Last Date 07/02/2025 till 3.00PM.

ATE No. ICMR-NIV/EVG/PP NO. 765/2024-25 for Tissue Culture Flask. Last Date 17/02/2025.9कोटेशन प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि है 17/02/2025).

PP no. 498 (Hula Mixer). . Last Date 19/02/2025.

Quotation for Primers and Probes" 'PP no. 4180/2024-2. Last Date 07/02/2025.

Quotation for One step RT PCR Kit" 'PP no. 4168/2024- 25'. Last Date 07/02/2025.

Quotation for Cell Lines" 'PP no. 3036/2024-25. Last Date 07/02/2025.

Quotation for Lipofectamine" 'PP no. 4145, 4148/2024- 25'. Last Date 07/02/2025.

Quotation for T4 DNA" 'PP no. 4146, 4147 /2024-25. Last Date 07/02/2025.

GeM Custom Bid " Centralized IT Infrastructure". Last Date 13/01/2025.कोटेशन प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि है 13/01/2025.

ATE No. ICMR-NIV/Virus Repository/PP NO. 4389/2024-25 for Fetal Bovine Serum. Last Date 12/02/2025.कोटेशन प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि है 12/02/2025.

ATE No. ICMR-NIV/Virus Repository/PP NO. 4279/2024-25 for NEB Blunt/TA Ligase Master mix. Last Date 17/02/2025.कोटेशन प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि है 17/02/2025.

PP No 4098/24-25 Bovine Aclenovirt1s . Last Date 31/01/2025.

Quotation enquiry for ATE no. ICMR-NIV/Bacteriology/PP no. 4769/2024-25 for Elisa Kit . Last Date 11/02/2025.(कोटेशन प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि है 11/02/2025)

Bid document GEM/2025/B/5833394 for SuperFidelity DNA Polymerase at ICMR-NIV Kerala Unit. Last date 13/02/2025.

List of provisionally selected candidates under PM- ABHIM Projects.- Advt. No.04/NIV/ Project Cell/2024-2025 dated 26.12.2024.

Circular (List of Hospitals) regarding Memorandum of Agreement between NIV and CGHS Empanelled Hospitals for medical treatment.

Circular regarding Income Tax- Declaration Form (Financial Year 2024-25).

Income Tax Circular FY 2023-24

Medical Dependent Form(Year 2023) circular..

Income Tax Declaration Form 12BB 2022-23

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