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Hepatitis Viruses

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Hepatitis Virus

Research Areas

Analysis of host immune response and pathogenesis of hepatitis B, C and E viruses, development of antivirals against hepatitis E virus, development of novel molecular and serological diagnostic assays, molecular epidemiology of hepatitis viruses.

Sr. No.Name of the staffDesignation
1Dr. Kavita Lole

Scientist G and Group Leader

2Dr. Tejaswini M. Deshmukh

Scientist D

3Dr. Shilpa TomarScientist C
Technical Staff

Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Mrs. Supriya HundekarSr. Technical Officer 2
2Mr. Satish Ranawade Sr. Technical Officer 1
3Dr. Ashwini Ramdasi Sr. Technical Officer 1
4Ms. Neeta ThoratSr. Technical Officer 1
5Mr. Prakash JawalkarSr Technician 3
6Mr. Shirish VaidaySr. Technician 2
7Mr. Prasad BabarSr Technician 2
8Mr. Prakash SarjeLaboratory Assistant 1
9Mr. K.D. Ramaiah Laboratory Assistant
Ongoing projects

Ongoing projects

  • 1. Development of lateral flow based rapid immunochromatographic point-of-care assays for diagnosis of viral diseases of public health importance (Component A: Hepatitis A and E diagnosis)
  • 2. Providing diagnosis for hepatitis viruses and support during outbreak investigation
  • 3. Cellular antiviral responses against hepatitis B virus
  • 4. Study of involvement of host factors in chikungunya virus infection
  • 5. Identification, characterization and validation of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against hepatitis E Virus
  • 6. Study of the involvement of host factors in hepatitis E virus infection during pregnancy
  • 7. Computational drug repurposing approaches for the development of therapeutics against hepatitis E virus
  • 8. Study of anti-chikungunya virus specific antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity Immune response
  • 9. Hepatitis E virus replication and cellular autophagy
  • 10. Assessment of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with active HCV infection
  • 11. Identification of specific cell signatures using single-cell RNA-seq and phenotypic analyses in patients with SARS-COVID-19 infection
  • 12. Use of SARS-CoV-2 spike and nucleocapsid proteins in assessment of antibody response in infected/ recovered individuals
  • 13. Complete transcriptome analysis of cells in throat/nasal swabs of COVID-19 patients in India
  • 14. Assessment of the role of host immune response in COVID-19 infection
Significant Research Findings/Contributions

Significant Research Findings/Contributions:

  • Genomic characterization of viruses, molecular epidemiology and evolution
  • Identification of the causative agent of hepatitis E, hepatitis E virus (HEV) as cause of majority waterborne NANB epidemics, starting from the historic 1955 epidemic in New Delhi
  • Molecular epidemiology based on phylogenetic analyses of HAV, HBV, HCV and HEV
  • Full genome sequencing of hepatitis viruses, viral evolution
  • Identification of viral mutants and their significance in pathogenesis
  • Documentation of the new 9th HBV genotype “I” in India
  • Identification of a new subgenotype of HCV, 3i accepted by ICTV (HCV)
  • Prevalence of HEV genotype-1 in humans and genotype-4 in pigs in India
  • First full genome sequences of HEV genotype 1 (human) and genotype 4 (swine) viruses from India
  • 1Characterization of simian HAV (genotype V) recovered from a captive rhesus monkey
  • Predominance of genotype IIIA of HAV since 1981 in India and estimates of evolution of this virus
  • Nipah virus: Investigated intrafamilial outbreak of suspected NIPAH virus, confirmed etiology carried out full genome sequencing from an autopsied lung sample.
  • Chikungunya: Documentation of shift of genotype from Asian to African. Genomic analysis of the viruses isolated during 1963-2009
  • Detection of a newly discovered KIs virus in India

Epidemiology, virus transmission and animal studies

  • Determination of prevalence of HAV, HEV, HBV and HCV by age-stratified serosurveys in urban and rural populations
  • Periodic serosurveys leading to important information on changing epidemiology and prediction of future epidemics of hepatitis A in India
  • Serosurveys in populations at-risk and suggestion to the Govt. for vaccination
  • HGV and TTV were shown to be of no significance in causing liver diseases
  • Detection of anti-HEV antibodies in various animal sera suggesting possible zoonotic transmission of the virus
  • Possibility of transfusion-associated hepatitis E, presence of virus seen in blood units from donors
  • Experimental HEV infection in rhesus monkeys to study natural course of the disease and possible of utility of vaccine
  • Beneficial effect of human Immunoglobulins in HEV infections among pregnant women
  • Anti-HEV antibodies persist for 30 years post HEV infection in hepatitis E recovered individuals
  • Screening of blood donors for HEV prevalence & occult HBV infection demonstrated the need to consider cost-effective evaluation for pooled HEV RNA testing in blood banks in HEV endemic regions & also pooled HBV DNA screening

Development of diagnostic tests


  • Development of ELISA for anti-HBs detection
  • Development of ELISAs for IgM and IgG-anti-HAV
  • Development of ELISAs for IgM and IgG-anti-HE
  • Development of ELISA for IgG-anti-CHP antibodies
  • Development of ELISA IgG-anti-CHIK antibodies
  • Development of lateral flow based immunochromatographic point-of-care HEV IgM Rapid Test


  • Diagnostic PCR assays for all hepatitis viruses (HAV, HBV, HCV, HEV, HGV & TTV)
  • Genotyping and phylogenetic analyses based on partial and full genome sequences of hepatitis viruses
  • Taqman-chemistry based assays for the detection and quantitation of HAV, HBV, HCV, HEV and Chandipura and chikungunya viruses were standardized and used for diagnosis / research projects
  • Development of a method for virus concentration from water samples and detection by RT-PCR

Development of candidate vaccines

  • Hepatitis E: successful pre-clinical studies in rhesus monkeys
  • Combination vaccine (HBV+HEV): Immunogenicity studies in mice and pre-clinical study in rhesus monkeys
  • Hepatitis C vaccine: Recombinant proteins based candidate vaccines: tested in mice
  • Chandipura vaccine: Highly efficacious recombinant glycoprotein based vaccine, G protein alone or in combination with commercially available DPT vaccine
  • Chikungunya: Evaluation of recombinant E2 protein-based and whole-virus inactivated candidate vaccines both were highly immunogenic
  • Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza: inter-clade protection seen with Mw-adjuvanted recombinant HA, NP proteins, and M2e peptide combination vaccine when tested in mice

Molecular virology

  • Deciphering role of HEV ORF1 encoded non-structural proteins replicase, helicase, protease and macrodomain in HEV replication
  • Influence of non-structural proteins on the host specificity of hepatitis E viruses
  • Development of infectious clones of HEV, HBV and HCV and utilization in studying molecular events during virus replication, host-virus interactions and antiviral testing
  • Development of HAV VLPs and utility in diagnostic ELISA
  • Importance of cellular innate antiviral responses during HEV infection
  • Involvement of miRNA 122 in HEV replication
  • Induction of cellular autophagy by HEV for efficient replication
  • Anti-apoptotic role of HBeAg protein of HBV in preventing cell damage during virus infection


  • 1.Understanding pathogenesis of HEV
  • 2.Establishment of the role of complement system in the defense mechanism of Chandipura infection
  • 3.Pivotal anti viral role of TNF-α against Chandipura virus. Demonstration of putative role of NK cells in chikungunya infection


Biomarker studies

  • Pivotal role of CCL4 and NKT cells in limiting HBV infections.
  • IL-1α & sIL-2Rα as markers of inflammation in hepatitis E
  • Protective role of T regulatory cells (Tregs) in self-limiting hepatitis E
  • Role of TGF-β1 as a possible supplement for boosting Treg response and protection from fatal outcome in patients with fulminant hepatitis E.
  • Importance of epitopes presented by HLA-DRB1* 11 towards induction of protective immune response in hepatitis E, hepatitis C and chikungunya infections
  • Identification of memory B cell response as co-correlates of protection against HEV infection
  • Higher levels of NKp44: marker of recent chikungunya infection


  • Hepatitis Outbreaks: Investigated over 150 epidemics of viral hepatitis, provided diagnosis and suggested control measures to the local health authorities
  • Drug Controller of India: Blood products imported from other countries are sent to NIV for testing for HBsAg and HCV RNA. Reports are provided in 2-3 days.
  • Diagnostic services: Serological and molecular testing for the diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis, determination of viral load, genotype
  • Water testing: Water samples are processed for concentration of virus and detected by molecular testing
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