1.Ranshing S, Lavania M, Potdar V, Patwardhan S, Prayag PS, Jog S, Kelkar D, Sawant P, Shinde M, &Chavan N. Transmission of COVID-19 infection within a family cluster in Pune, India. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 153, 2021: 555-558.
2. Sawant PM,Digraskar SS, Gopalkrishna V. Molecular characterization of unusual G10P[33], G6P[14] genomic constellations group A rotavirus and evidence of zooanthroponosis in bovines. Infection Genetics & Evolution. 2020;84:104-385.
3. Sawant PM,Atre N, Kulkarni A, Gopalkrishna V. Detection and molecular characterization of porcine enterovirus G15 and teschovirus from India.Pathogens & Disease. 2020;ftaa039.
4. Yadav PD, Shete AM, Nyayanit DA, Pardeshi P, Majumdar T, Balasubramaniyam, Ullas PT, Sreelekshmy Mohandas, Dighe H, Sawant PM, et al., 2020. Detection of coronaviruses in Pteropus and Rousettus species of bats from different states of India. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 151 (2); 226-235.
5. Sawant PM,Dhama K, Rawool DB, Wani MY, Tiwari R, Singh SD, Singh RK. Development of a DNA Vaccine for Chicken Infectious Anemia and its Immunogenicity Studies Using High Mobility Group Box 1 Protein as a Novel Immunoadjuvant Indicated Induction of Promising Protective Immune Responses. Vaccine. 2015;33:333–340.
6. Sawant PM,Verma PC, Subudhi PK, et al. Immunomodulation of bivalent Newcastle disease DNA vaccine induced immune response by co-delivery of chicken IFN-γ and IL-4 genes. Veterinary Immunology & Immunopathology. 2011;144(1-2):36-44.