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Designation: Scientist F

Division:Kerala unit

Educational qualifications: M.V.Sc, PhD

Date of joining ICMR-NIV:13 Aug 2004

  • Contact: 04772280100
  • Email:
  • Office: Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology Pune Maharashtra - 411001


Research Interests:

  • Immunology & Molecular Virology



  • DHR Fellowship for Long Term Training in Foreign countries


ORCID ID:0000-0002-2958-4391

Researcher ID:#

Google Scholar Profile Link


List of Publications
  • 1. Anukumar B, Mishra AC. Immune response during acute Chandipura viral infection in experimentally infected susceptible mice. Viro J. 2008;5:1-11

  • 2. Ramya R, Verma PC, Chaturvedi VK, Gupta PK, Pandey KD, Madhanmohan M, Kannaki TR, Sridevi R, Anukumar B. Poly(lactide-co-lycolide) microspheres: A potent oral delivery system to elicit systemic immune response against inactivated rabies virus. Vaccine. 2009;27: 2138-2143

  • 3. Anukumar B, Shahir P. Immune regulation in Chandipura virus infection:characterization of CD4+ T regulatory cells from infected mice. Virol J.  2011;8:259

  • 4. Anukumar B, Shahir P. Early IgM Antibody Response in Chandipura Virus Infection: T cell-Independent Activation of B-cells. J Clin Cell Immunol. 2012;3:123.

  • 5. Anukumar B, Shahir P. Chandipura Virus infection in mice: the role of toll like receptor 4 in pathogenesis. BMC infect dis. 2012;12:125

  • 6. Anukumar B, Butte DK, Jadhav SM.  Complete Genome Sequence of West Nile Virus Isolated from Alappuzha District, Kerala, India. Genome A.  2013;1: e00230-13

  • 7. Anukumar B, Balasubramaniam G A, Shelke VN, Gunjikar R, Shewale P.  Neuro-invasion of Chandipura virus mediates pathogenesis in experimentally infected mice. Int J clin Exp path.2013;6(7):1272-1281

  • 8. Anukumar B, Sam P. Rash Associated with Influenza B Virus Infection. Natl Med J Ind. 2013;.26:3.

  • 9. Anukumar B, Sapkal GN, Tandale BV, Balasubramanian R, Gangale DP. West Nile Encephalitis outbreak India, 2011. J Clin Virol. 2014; 61: 152-155

  • 10. Tandale BV, Anukumar B, Yadav PD, Mourya DT. New Focus of Kyasanur Forest Disease Virus Activity in Tribal Area in Kerala, India, 2014. Inf Dis Poverty. 2015; 4:12.

  • 11. Sam P, Anukumar B, Potdar V,  Chadha M, Jadhav S. An Outbreak of Influenza A (H3N2), in Alappuzha District of the state of Kerala, India, 2011. J Inf  Dev Ctries. 2015; 9(4):362-367.

  • 12. Asia DT,  Mun AB, Anukumar B. A case report of fatality associated with adenovirus type 2  infection in a young child, Kerala. Case  Study and Case Report.  2015;5(3):105-108

  • 13. Balasubramanian R, Anukumar B, Nikhil TL. Stegomyia indices of Aedesmosquito Infestation and container productivity in Alappuzha district Kerala. Int J Mos Res. 2015; 2(2):14-18.

  • 14. Chadha MS, Potdar VA, Saha S, Koul PA, Broor S, Dar L, Sarkar MC, Biswas D, Gunasekaran P, Abraham AM, Shrikhande S, Jain A, Anukumar B, Lal RB , Mishra AC).Dynamics of Influenza Seasonality at SubRegional Levels in India and Implications for Vaccination Timing. PLOS ONE, 2015; 10(5):e0124122

  • 15. Dwibedi B, Sabat J, Hazra RK, Anukumar B, Diwakar SD, Kar SK. Chandipura virus infection causing encephalitis in atribal population of Odisha in eastern India. Natl Med J India. 2015;28:4.

  • 16. Asia Devi Thounaojam, AnukumarBalakrishnan, and AmolBaburaoMun (2016)Detection and molecular typing of human adenovirus associated with respiratory illness in Kerala. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases. DOI: 10.7883/yoken.JJID.2015.414 Vol.69, No.6, 2016, Nov issue)

  • 17. Anukumar B, Thekkekara RJ, Tandale BV. Outcomes of West Nile encephalitis patients after one year of West Nile encephalitis outbreak in Kerala, India: a follow-up study. J Med Virol. 2016;88:1856–61.
  • 18. Asia DT, Anukumar B, Mun AB. Association of adenovirus type 2 with encephalitis case: a new report from Kerala, India. Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report and Review. 2015;4(6): 2118-2125

  • 19. Anukumar B, Thekkekare RJ, Sapkal G, Tandale BV. Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus and West Nile virus in Alappuzha district, Kerala. Ind J Med Res. 2017; 146:70-76

  • 20. Patil SL,  Anukumar B. Genetic characterization Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Kerala, the southern part of India. J Med Virol. 2017;89(12):2092-2097

  • 21. Cecilia D, Patil JA, Kakade MB, Walimbe A, Alagarasu K, Anukumar B, Abraham A. Emergence of the Asian genotype of DENV-1 in South India. Virology. 2017;510: 40-45.

  • 22. Mathew AM, Mun AB, Balakrishnan A. Ultraviolet inactivation of Chikungunya virus. Intervirol. 2018;61:36-41

  • 23. Balasubramanian R, Anukumar B, Nikhil TL. Entomological and virological investigation in a focus of Dengue and Chikungunya virus transmission in Kerala – Intl J App Biol sci. 2016;5(2):3622-3629.
  • 24. Mathew R, Najeem B, Sobhanakumary K, Sunny B, Pinheiro C, Anukumar B. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 in Herpes Genitalis: A Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Study from Kerala. Indian J Dermatol. 2018;63(6):475-8.
  • 25. Alagarasu K, Patil JA, Kakade, More AM, Bote M, Chowdhury D, Seervi M, Rajesh NT, Ashok M, Anukumar B, Abraham AM, Parashar D, Shah PS. Spatio-temporal distribution analysis of circulating genotypes of dengue virus type 1 in western and southern states of India by a one-step real-time RT-PCR assay. Infect Genet Evol. 2019; 75:103989.
  • 26. Pawar SD, Keng SS, Tare DS, Thormothe AL, Sapkal GN,  Anukumar B, Lole KS, Mullick J, Mourya DT. A virus precipitation method for the concentration and detection of avian influenza viruses from environmental water resources and its possible application in outbreak investigations. Indian J Med Res.  2019;150: 612-619

  • 27. Gupta N, Potdar V, Praharaj I, Giri S, Sapkal G, Yadav P, et al . Laboratory preparedness for SARS-CoV-2 testing in India: Harnessinga network of Virus Research & Diagnostic Laboratories. Ind J Med Res. 2020;151: 216-225

  • 28. Praharaj I, Jain A, Singh M, Balakrishnan A, Dhodapkar R, Borkakoty B, et al. Pooled testing for COVID-19 diagnosis by real-time RT-PCR: A multi-site comparative evaluation of 5- & 10-sample pooling. Indian J Med Res. 2020;152(1):88-94.

  • 29. Deshpande G, Sapkal G, Tilekar B, Yadav P, Gurav Y, Gaikwad S, et al. Neutralizing antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 patients. Indian J Med Res. 2020;152(1):82-87.

  • 30. Das PV, Anukumar B, Balakrishnan S. Identification of Dengue Serotypes using a Single Serum Specimen Algorithm in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Alappuzha, Kerala, India. J ClinDiagn Res. 2020;14:5

  • 31. Sahay RR, Yadav PD, Gupta N, Shete AM, Radhakrishnan C, Mohan G, et al. Experiential learnings from the Nipah virus outbreaks in Kerala towards containment of infectious public health emergencies in India. Epidemiol Infect. 2020;148:e90.

  • 32. Potar V, Choudhary ML, Bhardwaj S, Ghuge R, Sugunan AP, Gurav Y, Yadav, PD, Shete A, Tomar   S, Anukumar B, Kaushal H, Sapkal G, Basu A, Cherian S, Priya Abraham & NIC Team. Respiratory virus detection among the overseas returnees during the early phase of COVID-19 pandemic in India.Indian J Med Res. 2020; 151: 486-489

  • 33. Anukumar B, Malik N. Chandipura virus oncolytic potential in  experimentally induced tumor in mice, Intervirol 2020;64:48-51

  • 34. Kavathekar VK, Dhanavade MJ, Sonawane KD, Anukumar B. Role of cell surface vimentin in Chandipura virus replication in Neuro-2a cells.Virus Research. 2020;285:198014.

  • 35. Anukumar B, Mun AB. Ribavirin inhibits the Chandipura virus replication in Vero cells.J Med Virol. 2020;92:2969-2975.

  • 36. Madhavan A, Sachu A, Balakrishnan AK, Vasudevan A, Balakrishnan S, Vasudevapanicker J. Prevalence of hepatitis C among haemodialysis patients in a tertiary care hospital in south India. Iran J Microbiol. 2020;12(6):644-9.

  • 37. Madhavan A, Sachu A, Balakrishnan AK, Balakrishnan S, Vasudevapanicker J. Prevalence of Anti-HBc Antibodies among HBsAg Negative Individuals and Its Association with Occult Hepatitis B. J Lab Physicians. 2021;13(01):001-5.

  • 38. Madhavan A, Sachu A, Balakrishnan A, Vasudevan A, Balakrishnan S, Vasudevapanicker J. Comparison of PCR and phenotypic methods for the detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Iran J Microbiol. 2021;13(1):31–6


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