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Dr. Basavaraj Mathapati

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HomeDr. Basavaraj Mathapati
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Dr. Basavaraj Mathapati

Designation: Scientist D

Division: ICMR-NIV, Dibrugarh

Educational qualifications: M.V.Sc. PhD. Veterinary Virology

Date of joining ICMR-NIV: :12th February 2019

  • Contact: 91-020-26006890
  • Email:,
  • Office: Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology Pune Maharashtra - 411001


Research Interests:

  • Zoonotic virology
  • Molecular virology
  • Virus-host interactions
  • Immunology of viral infections
  • Boi-safety and bio-containment
  • One-Health



ORCID ID:0000-0002-0144-4434

Researcher ID: ABA-6033-2021

Google Scholar Profile Link


List of Publications
  • 1.Malik YS, Sircar S, Bhat S, Ansari MI, Pande T, Kumar P, Mathapati B, Balasubramanian G, Kaushik R, Natesan S, Ezzikouri S, El Zowalaty ME, Dhama K. How artificial intelligence may help the Covid-19 pandemic: Pitfalls and lessons for the future. Rev Med Virol. 2021 Sep;31(5):1-11. doi: 10.1002/rmv.2205. Epub 2020 Dec 19. PMID: 33476063; PMCID: PMC7883226.

  • 2. Gokhale MD, Sreelekshmy M, Sudeep AB, Shete A, Jain R, Yadav PD, Mathapati B, Mourya DT. Detection of possible Nipah virus infection in Rousettus leschenaultii and Pipistrellus Pipistrellus bats in Maharashtra, India. J Infect Public Health. 2021 Aug;14(8):1010-1012. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2021.05.001. Epub 2021 Jun 11. PMID: 34153724.

  • 3. Yadav PD, Ella R, Kumar S, Patil DR, Mohandas S, Shete AM, Vadrevu KM, Bhati G, Sapkal G, Kaushal H, Patil S, Jain R, Deshpande G, Gupta N, Agarwal K, Gokhale M, Mathapati B, Metkari S, Mote C, Nyayanit D, Patil DY, Sai Prasad BS, Suryawanshi A, Kadam M, Kumar A, Daigude S, Gopale S, Majumdar T, Mali D, Sarkale P, Baradkar S, Gawande P, Joshi Y, Fulari S, Dighe H, Sharma S, Gunjikar R, Kumar A, Kalele K, Srinivas VK, Gangakhedkar RR, Ella KM, Abraham P, Panda S, Bhargava B. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate, BBV152 in rhesus macaques. Nat Commun. 2021 Mar 2;12(1):1386. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21639-w. PMID: 33654090; PMCID: PMC7925524.

  • 4. Yadav PD, Shete-Aich A, Nyayanit DA, Pardeshi P, Majumdar T, Balasubramanian R, Ullas PT, Mohandas S, Dighe H, Sawant P, Patil S, Patil D, Gokhale MD, Mathapati B, Sudeep AB, Baradkar S, Kumar A, Kharde R, Salve M, Joshi Y, Gupta N, Mourya DT. Detection of coronaviruses in Pteropus & Rousettus species of bats from different States of India. Indian J Med Res. 2020 Feb & Mar;151(2 & 3):226-235. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_795_20. PMID: 32317409; PMCID: PMC7366549.

  • 5. Potdar V, Cherian SS, Deshpande GR, Ullas PT, Yadav PD, Choudhary ML, Gughe R, Vipat V, Jadhav S, Patil S, Nyayanit D, Majumdar T, Walimbe A, Gaikwad S, Dighe H, Shete-Aich A, Mohandas S, Chowdhury D, Sapkal G, Basu A, Gupta N, Gangakhedkar RR, Giri S, Dar L, Jain A, Malhotra B, Abraham P; National Influenza Centre (NIC) Team:. Genomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 strains among Indians returning from Italy, Iran & China, & Italian tourists in India. Indian J Med Res. 2020 Feb & Mar;151(2 & 3):255-260. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1058_20. PMID: 32362650; PMCID: PMC7366550.

  • 6. Patel HB, Patel UD, Mathapati BS, Modi CM. Effect of piperine and quercetin alone or in combination with marbofloxacin on CYP3A37 and MDR1 mRNA expression levels in broiler chickens. Res Vet Sci. 2019 Oct;126:178-183. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2019.09.005. Epub 2019 Sep 12. Erratum in: Res Vet Sci. 2021 Mar;135:568. PMID: 31539794.

  • 7. Gowthaman V, Singh SD, Dhama K, Srinivasan P, Saravanan S, Murthy TR, Sukumar K, Mathapati B, Lebarbenchon C, Malik YS, Ramakrishnan MA. Isolation and phylogenetic characterization of haemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of H9N2 low pathogenicity avian influenza virus isolated from commercial layers in India. Virusdisease. 2016 Dec;27(4):382-386. doi: 10.1007/s13337-016-0350-8. Epub 2016 Oct 5. PMID: 28004018; PMCID: PMC5142597.

  • 8. Bhadaniya AR, Prasad MC, Savsani HH, Kalaria VA, Fefar DT, Mathpati BS, Javia BB. Pro-inflammatory cytokine expression studies of subclinical and clinical endometritis in endometrial tissues of buffaloes. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2019 Jun;51(5):1161-1166. doi: 10.1007/s11250-019-01802-8. Epub 2019 Jan 25. PMID: 30684222.

  • 9. Gowthaman V, Singh S, Dhama K, Barathidasan R, Srinivasan P, Saravanan S, Gopalakrishnamurthy T, Deb R, Mathapati B, Ramakrishnan M. Detection and partial genetic characterisation of a novel variant of Avian nephritis virus in Indian poultry flocks showing diverse clinical signs. Acta Vet Hung. 2015 Dec;63(4):499-507. doi: 10.1556/004.2015.046. PMID: 26599096.

  • 10. Gowthaman V, Singh SD, Dhama K, Barathidasan R, Mathapati BS, Srinivasan P, Saravanan S, Ramakrishnan MA. Molecular detection and characterization of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (Gallid herpesvirus-1) from clinical samples of commercial poultry flocks in India. Virusdisease. 2014;25(3):345-9. doi: 10.1007/s13337-014-0206-z. Epub 2014 Apr 1. PMID: 25674602; PMCID: PMC4188208.

  • 11. Loyi T, Kumar H, Nandi S, Mathapati BS, Patra MK, Pattnaik B. Differential expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in endometrial tissue of buffaloes with clinical and sub-clinical endometritis. Res Vet Sci. 2013 Apr;94(2):336-40. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2012.09.008. Epub 2012 Oct 5. PMID: 23040421.

  • 12. Subramaniam S, Sanyal A, Mohapatra JK, Sharma GK, Biswal JK, Ranjan R, Rout M, Das B, Bisht P, Mathapati BS, Dash BB, Pattnaik B. Emergence of a novel lineage genetically divergent from the predominant Ind2001 lineage of serotype O foot-and-mouth disease virus in India. Infect Genet Evol. 2013 Aug;18:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2013.04.027. Epub 2013 May 3. PMID: 23643555.

  • 13. Sharma GK, Mohapatra JK, Pandey LK, Mahajan S, Mathapati BS, Sanyal A, Pattnaik B. Immunodiagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease using mutated recombinant 3ABC polyprotein in a competitive ELISA. J Virol Methods. 2012 Oct;185(1):52-60. doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2012.05.029. Epub 2012 Jun 7. PMID: 22683829.

  • 14. Dadawala AI, Biswas SK, Rehman W, Chand K, De A, Mathapati BS, Kumar P, Chauhan HC, Chandel BS, Mondal B. Isolation of bluetongue virus serotype 1 from Culicoides vector captured in livestock farms and sequence analysis of the viral genome segment-2. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2012 Aug;59(4):361-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1865-1682.2011.01279.x. Epub 2011 Dec 12. PMID: 22151923.

  • 15. Mathapati BS, Mishra N, Rajukumar K, Nema RK, Behera SP, Dubey SC. Entry of bovine viral diarrhea virus into ovine cells occurs through clathrin-dependent endocytosis and low pH-dependent fusion. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2010 May;46(5):403-7. doi: 10.1007/s11626-009-9263-9. Epub 2009 Dec 8. PMID: 19997866.

  • 16. Mishra N, Mathapati BS, Rajukumar K, Nema RK, Behera SP, Dubey SC. Molecular characterization of RNA and protein synthesis during a one-step growth curve of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in ovine (SFT-R) cells. Res Vet Sci. 2010 Aug;89(1):130-2. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2010.01.003. Epub 2010 Jan 29. PMID: 20116078.


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