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Dr. Pradip Vijay Barde

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Dr. Pradip Vijay Barde

Designation: :Scientist-F


Educational qualifications: 1)M.Sc. (Microbiology) 2)Ph.D. (Biotechnology)

Date of joining ICMR-NIV: :1st February 2022

  • Contact: :0761-2370800 Ext. 359
  • Office: :ICMR-NIV Jabalpur Unit, ICMR-National Institute of Research in Tribal Health Complex, Nagpur Road, Near NSCB Medical Collage and Hospital, Garha, Jabalpur M. P. 482003

Research Interests:

  • Arbovirology
  • Diagnostic Virology
  • Bio-containment
  • Virus-vector interactions
  • Epidemiology of Viral infections

ORCID ID:0000-0002-4767-6599

Researcher ID:

Google Scholar Profile Link


List of Publications
  • 1.Mourya DT, Ranadive SN, Gokhale MD, Barde PV, Padbidri VS and Banerjee K. Putative Chikungunya virus-specific receptors on the midgut brush border membrane of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Indian J Med Res 1998; 107: 10.( IF-1.532)

  • 2. Mourya, DT, Geevarghese, G, Barde PV, Gokhale, MD, Ismail, M & Neelamegam, N. Base-line data on the isoenzyme profile of fleas Xynopsylla cheopis and X astia. Entomon 1998; 23: 61. (IF- 0.07)

    3. Mourya DT, Lande CB, Barde PV, Padbidri VS & Gokhale MD. Effect of higher temperatures on Ascogregarina culicis (Protozoa, Apicomplexa), the gregarine parasite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Entomon 2000; 25: 151.(IF- 0.07)

    4. Mourya DT, Gokhale MD, Lande CB & Barde PV. A simple artificial membrane feeding method for mosquitoes. Tran Royal Soc Trop Med 2000; 94: 460. (IF-1.631)

    5. Mourya DT, Gokhale MD & Barde PV. Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 toxin on the gut peristalsis in Aedes aegypti. Current Science 2001; 80: 1584. (IF- 0.22)

    6. Gokhale MD, Mourya DT & Barde PV. Bio-insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 toxin on three species of mosquitoes. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., 2001,21: 97.(IF –Nil)

    7. Mourya DT, Gokhale MD, Basu A, Barde PV, Sapkal GN, Padbidri VS & Gore MM. Horizontal and vertical transmission of dengue-2 virus in highly and lowly susceptible strains of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Acta Virol., 2001,45: 67.(IF-0.50)

    8. Mourya DT, Gokhale MD, Barde PV & Deobhagkar D. Highly-substrate active isoenzyme acetylcholinesterase-II, in rosy eye mutant of Aedes aegypti: its expression at various developmental stages and association with insecticide susceptibility. Indian J Exp. Biol., 2001, 39: 807.(IF-Nil)

    9. Gokhale MD, Barde PV, Sapkal GN, Gore MM & Mourya DT. Vertical transmission of dengue-2 virus in Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Mosquito Borne Dis. Bull. 2000,17; 27.(IF-Nil)

    10. Mourya DT, Barde PV, Gokhale MD, Mishra AC, Padbidri VS, Jaykumar PC & Shouche Y. Rapid method for confirming the identity of red eye and rosy eye colour mutants of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Current Science 2002 83 (2) 119-120. (IF- 0.22)

    11. Hundekar SL, Thakare JP, Gokhale MD, Barde PV, Argade SV & Mourya DT. Development of monoclonal antibody based antigen capture ELISA to detect Chikungunya virus antigen in mosquitoes. Indian J Med Res. 2002;115: 144-8.( IF-1.532)

    12. Mourya DT, Gokhale MD, Pidiyar V, Barde PV, Patole M, Mishra AC, Shouche Y. Study of the effect of the midgut bacterial flora of Culex quinquefasciatus on the susceptibility of mosquitoes to Japanese encephalitis virus. Acta Virol. 2002; 46: 257. .( IF-0.50)

    13. Athawale SS, Sudeep AB, Barde PV, Jadi R, Pant U, Mishra AC & Mourya DT. A new cell line from the embryonic tissues of Culex tritaeniorhynchus and its susceptibility to certain flaviviruses. Acta Virol. 2002; 46: 237.( IF-0.50)

    14. Yadav P, Gokhale MD, Barde PV, Singh DK, Mishra AC & Mourya DT. Experimental transmission of Chikungunya virus by Anopheles stephansi mosquitoes. Acta Virol. 2003; 47: 45. .( IF-0.50)

    15. Mourya DT, Singh DK, Yadav P, Gokhale MD, Barde PV, Narayan NB, Thakare JP, Mishra AC & Shouche YS.. Role of gregarine parasite Ascogregarina culicis (Apicomplexa: Lecudinidae) in the maintenance of Chikungunya virus in vector mosquitoes. J of Euka Microbio. 2003 50: 379-382.(IF-2.6)

    16. Barde PV, Rane SR, Singh DK, Yadav P, Dighe V, Gokhale MD & Mourya DT. Concomitant effect of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 toxin and Atropine sulphate on gut epithelial cells of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes Entomon. 2003 28 (2) 1. (IF- 0.1)

    17. Barde PV, Khan MI, Gokhale MD, Mishra AC and Mourya DT. The role of haemagglutinins in the midgut extracts of two lines of Aedes aegypti in their susceptibility of mosquitoes to dengue-2 virus. Acta Virol. 2004 48 109-113. (IF- 0.50)

    18. Yadav P, Barde PV, Jadi R, Gokhale MD, Basu A, Joshi MV, Mehla R, Kumar SR, Athavale SS, Mourya DT. Isolation of bovine viral diarrhea virus 1, a pestivirus from autopsied lamb specimen from Tamil Nadu, India. Acta Virol. 2004;48(4):223-7.( IF-0.50)

    19. Gumaste UR, Joshi MM, Mourya DT, Barde PV, Shrivastav GK, Ghole VS. Alcohol dehydrogenase: a potential new marker for diagnosis of intestinal ischemia using rat as a model. World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Feb 14;11(6):912-6. (IF-2.787)

    20. Yadav P, Barde PV, Gokhale MD, Vipat V, Mishra AC, Pal JK, Mourya Effect of temperature and insecticide stresses on Aedes aegypti larvae and their influence on the susceptibility of mosquitoes to dengue-2 virus. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2005 Sep; 36(5): 1139-44. (IF-Nil)

    21. Sivaram A, Barde PV, Kumar SR, Yadav P, Gokhale MD, Basu A, Mourya DT. Isolation and characterization of densonucleosis virus from Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and its distribution in India. Intervirol. 2009; 52(1):1-7.(IF-1.773)

    22. Mehla R, Sandeep RP, Yadav PD, Barde PV, Yergolkar PN, Erickson BR, Mishra AC, Nichol ST, Mourya DT, Recent ancestry of Kyasanur Forest Disease virus revealed by genetic analysis of viruses isolated over the past 50 years Emer. Inf. Dis. 2009 Vol. 15, No. 9, 1431-1437.(IF-6.99)

    23. Kumar SRP Patil JA, Cecilia D., Cherian SS., Barde PV, Walimbe AM, Yadav PD, Yergolkar PN, Shah PS, Padbidri VS, Mishra AC and Mourya DT Evolution, dispersal and replacement of American genotype dengue type 2 viruses in India (1956–2005): selection pressure and molecular clock analyses J of Gen Virol ,2010; 91, 707–720 (IF-3.363)

    24. Sivaram A, Barde PV, Gokhale MD, Singh DK, Mourya DT. Evidence of co-infection of chikungunya and densonucleosis viruses in C6/36 cell lines and laboratory infected Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquitoes. Parasit Vectors. 2010 Oct 12; 3 (1):95. (IF-3.430)

    25. Carter JR, Keith JH, Barde PV, Fraser TS, Fraser MJ Jr. Targeting of highly conserved Dengue virus sequences with anti-Dengue virus trans-splicing group I introns. BMC Mol Biol. 2010 Nov 15; 11(1):84. (IF-1.939)

    26. Barde PV. Swine influenza: an overview NIRTH UPDATE April 2010 Vol. 7, No.1 1-5 (IF-Nil)

    27. Jadi RS, Sudeep AB, Barde PV, Arankalle VA, Mishra AC. Development of an inactivated candidate vaccine against Chandipura virus (Rhabdoviridae: Vesiculovirus). Vaccine. 2011 Jun 20; 29(28):4613-7. Epub 2011 May 5. (IF-3.235)

    28. Barde PV, Godbole S, Bharti PK, Gyan Chand, Agarwal M and Singh Neeru Detection of dengue virus 4 from central India Ind. J Med Res 2012, Sept 136, pp 491-494. (IF-1.532)

    29. Mourya DT, Yadav PD, Mehla R, Barde PV, Yergolkar PN, Kumar SRP, Thakare JP, Mishra AC. Diagnosis of Kyasanur forest disease by nested RT-PCR, real-time RT-PCR and IgM capture ELISA. J. of Virol. Metds. 2012 Sept. 186 pp 49- 54.(IF-1.781)

    30. Chand G, Barde PV, Singh N. Emergence of new foci of filariasis in Madhya Pradesh, India. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2013 Jul; 107:pp462-464.9 (IF-1.931)

    31. Barde PV, Jatav JK, Bharti P K, Godbole S, Singh N. Concomitant infection of dengue virus serotypes and malaria in a sickle cell disease patient: A case Study. Dengue WHO bulletin 2013 Dec; 37 pp 223-226 (IF-Nil)

    32. Barde PV, Kori BK, Shukla MK, Bharti PK, Chand G, Gageshkumar N . Ukey MJ, Ali N, and Singh N. Maiden outbreaks of dengue virus 1 genotype III in rural central India. Epidemiol. Infect., 2014 Mar pp 1 of 7. doi:10.1017/S0950268814000612 (IF-2.365)

    33. Singh N, Shukla M M, Chand G, Barde PV, Singh MP. Vector Borne Diseases in central India with special reference to Malaria, Filaria, Dengue and Chikungunya South-East Asia J Public Health 2014; 3(1) pp28-35 (IF-Nil)

    34. Barde PV, Shukla MK Bharti PK, Kori BK, Jatav JK, Singh N. Co-circulation of Dengue virus serotypes along with Chikungunya virus in Madhya Pradesh, Central India. South-East Asia J Public Health 2014; 3(1) pp36-40 (IF-0. Nil)

    35. Barde PV, Shukla MK, Pathak R, Bharti PK. Circulation of Hepatitis A genotype IIIA virus in pediatric patients in tertiary care hospital in central India. Indian J Med Res. 2014; 139(6):940-94. (IF-1.532)

    36. Mourya DT, Kumar R, Barde PV, Gokhale MD and Yadav PD Genetic variation in Aedes aegypti mosquito populations along the West cost of India and their susceptibility to insecticides and dengue virus. Indian Journal of App. Res. 2015 ;5 (1) :pp53-57 (IF-Nil)

    37. Sahu M, Kori BK, Sahare L and Barde PVRespiratory Syncytial Virus in Children with Influenza-like Illness: Study from Madhya Pradesh Indian Pediatr. 2015 Apr. 8;52(4):pp 339-340. (IF-0.972)

    38. Barde PV, Shukla MK, Kori B K, Chand G, Jain L. Varun B.M, Dutta D, Baruah K and Singh N. Emergence of dengue in tribal villages of Mandla district Madhya Pradesh, India Indian J Med Res. 141, May 2015, pp 584-590. (IF-1.532)

    39. Negi SS., Barde PV, Pathak R , Ujjuwala G, Padma, D and Bhargav A. An outbreak of Hepatitis E Virus in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India: A conventional and genetic analysis. J. Med. Microbi. & Diagn. 4, 2015 pp 204:209 (IF-Nil)

    40. Mourya, DT, Shahani HC, Yadav PD and Barde PV. Use of hydrogen peroxide vapour and plasma irradiation in combination for quick decontamination of closed chambers Indian J Med Res. 2016 Aug;144(2):245-249. (IF-1.532)

    41. Kori BK., Singh KN., Sharma RK., Sharma BS., Badkur P. and Barde PV. Susceptibility of Rubella Among Pregnant Women Attending the Antenatal Clinic in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Jabalpur, Central India. Viral Immunol. 2016 Dec 7. (IF-1.327)

    42. Shukla MK and Barde PV. Outbreak of dengue serotype 3 in villages of northern district Morena of Madhya Pradesh. NIRTH Update 2016:1: 2:2-3 9 (IF-Nil)

    43. Shukla MK, Singh N, Sharma RK and Barde PV. Utility of dengue NS1 antigen rapid diagnostic test for use in difficult to reach areas and its comparison with dengue NS1 ELISA and qRT-PCR. J Med Virol. 2017 Jan 2. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24764 (IF-2.373)

    44. Sahu M, Shukla MK, Barde PV. Molecular Characterization of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus detected from Central India J Med Virol. 2017 Apr 29. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24834 (IF-2.373)

    45. Barde PV, Sahu M., Shukla MK, Bharti PK, Sahere LK Ukey MJ and Singh N The High Frequency of Non-Aspartic Acid Residues at HA222 in Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 Pandemic Viruses is Associated with Mortality During the Upsurge of 2015: A Molecular and Epidemiological Study from Central India. Epd. and Inf. 2017 Aug 3:1-10. doi: 10.1017/S0950268817001595.(IF-2.365)

    46. Sahu M, Singh N, Shukla MK, Potdar VA, Sharma RK, Sahare LK, Ukey MJ, Barde PV. Molecular and Epidemiological analysis of Pandemic and Post-pandemic Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus from central India. J Med Virol. 2017 doi: 10.1002/jmv.24982 (IF-1.99)

    47. Pathak R and Barde PV Detection of genotype 1a and 1f of hepatitis E virus in patients treated at tertiary care hospitals in central India. International Journal of Fundamental and Medical Virology Intervirology. 2018 Mar 1. doi: 10.1159/00048705(IF-1.33)

    48. Barde PV Mishra N Singh N Timely diagnosis, use of information technology and mosquito control prevents dengue outbreaks: experience from central India accepted in J Infect Public Health. 2018 Mar 29. pii: S1876-0341(18)30036-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2018.03.002. (IF: 1.43)

    49. Pandey S, Sahu M, Potdar V, Barde PV Molecular Analysis of Influenza A H1N1pdm09 virus circulating in Madhya Pradesh, India in the year 2017 Virusdisease. 2018 Sep;29(3):380-38 ( IF: 0.4)

    50. Shukla MK, Barde PV and Singh N Utility of CDC DENV-1-4 Real-Time RT-PCR Assay in dengue diagnosis accepted in Dengue WHO Bulletin Vol. 40 Dec 2018 15-18 ( IF: Nil)

    51. Rao C, Kaur H , Gupta N Sabeena P S, Ambica R. Jain A, Yadav A Dwibedi Malhotra B, Kakru DK , Biswas D, Savargaonkar D, Ganesan M, Sabat J Dhingra Lalitha S., Valecha N Madhavilatha P, . Barde PV, Joshi PD, Sharma P, Gupta R Ratho R.K., Sidhu S, Shrivastava SS, Dutta S, Shantala G.B. Sheikh I Sethi S Kalawat U, Vijayachari P., Raj V, Vijay V Borkakoty B Geographical distribution of primary and secondary dengue in India -2017 - a cross-sectional multi-centric study Indian J Med Res 149, April 2019, pp 548-553 (IF: 1.50 )

    52. Murhekar MV., Kamaraj P., Kumar S, Allam R R, Barde PV, Dwibedi B, Kanungo S, Khan SA, and ICMR–Dengue serosurvey Group. Burden of dengue infection in India, 2017: results from a cross-sectional population based serosurvey Lancet Glob Health. 2019 Aug;7(8):e1065-e1073. ( IF:19.75 )

    53. Tiwari S, Shukla MK, Gyan Chand, Sahare L., Ukey MJ, Joshi P, Khedkar R, Singh N, Barde PV Outbreaks of Dengue in central India in 2016: clinical, laboratory and epidemiological study. Indian J Med Res. 2019 Nov; 150(5):492-497. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1315_18. ( IF: 1.50 )

    54. Barde PV, Shukla MK, Joshi P., Sahare L., Ukey MJ Molecular studies on the dengue viruses detected in patients from central IndiaIndian J Med Microbiol. 2019 Jan-Mar;37(1):12-18. doi: 10.4103/ijmm.IJMM_18_377. (IF: 1.20)

    55. Barde PV, Chouksey VK, Shivlata L, Sahare LK, Thakur AK Viral Hepatitis among Acute Hepatitis Patients attending Tertiary Care Hospital in Central India Virusdisease. 2019 Sep;30(3):367-372. doi: 10.1007/s13337-019-00541-6. (IF: 0.50)

    56. Rawat S, Yadav S, Mandloih P ,Panihar C Barde PV High incidence of human papillomavirus type 16 and 18 in carcinoma cervix patients in tertiary care unit, Jabalpur, MP India Indian J Gynecol Oncolog (2019) 17: 66. (IF : NIL)

    57. Joshi P, Yadav P, Mourya DT, Sahare L, Ukey M, Khedekar R, Patil DR Barde PV Laboratory surveillance of chikungunya in Madhya Pradesh, India (2016-2017) Indian J Med Res 151, January 2020, pp 87-92 ( IF: 1.50 )

    58. Sharma RK Shukla MK Minhas M Barde PV Sero-prevalence and risk factors of Hepatitis B virus infection in tribal population of Himalayan district Lahaul and Spiti, India. Pathog Glob Health. 2019 Nov 3:1-5. doi: 10.1080/20477724.2019.1685802. ( IF: 1.97)

    59. Manjunathachar HV, Barde PV, Raut CG, Tiwari P, Chouksey V, Gowda K, Kumar R and Das A. 2019. Determination of cut-off of diagnostic ELISA for Scrub typhus in endemic setup: Central India. J Vector Borne Dis. 2021 Jan-Mar;58(1):90-93. doi: 10.4103/0972-9062.316272. (IF 1.5)

    60. Chand G, Godbole S., Shivlata L. Sahare LK. Ukey MK., Kaushal LS. Barde PV, “Molecular xenomonitoring of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika infections: a year round study from two dengue endemic districts of central India” Journal of Vector Borne Diseases DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.321753 ( IF: 1.5)

    61. Joshua V, Kanagasabai K, Bajji K Krishnamurthy, Muthusamy R Venkatachalam R , Gowri A Shete, V C, Ramasamy S Gupta N,, Murhekar M and DHR-ICMR VRDL Network Group (Barde PV) Exploration of population ecological factors related to the spatial heterogeneity of dengue fever cases diagnosed through a national network of laboratories in India, 2017. Indian J Med Res 151, January 2020, pp 79-86 ( IF: 1.5)

    62. Yadav S Barapatre R, Sharma RK Neral A, Barde PV Proposed algorithm for Hepatitis E Virus diagnosis in the early phase of illness. Intervirology. 2020 Oct 6:1-5. doi: 10.1159/000510725. (July 2020) (IF-1.33)

    63. Manjunathachar HV, Singh, K, Chouksey, VK Kumar, R, Sharma, R Barde, PV. Prevalence of Torch infections and its associated poor outcome in high risk pregnant women of central India: Time to think for prevention strategies Indian J Med Microbiol. 2020 Jul-Dec;38 (3 & 4):379-384. doi: 10.4103/ijmm.IJMM_20_136. ( IF: 1.2)

    64. Murhekar MV, Kumar S, Kumara P Khan S A Allam R R, Barde PV, Dwibedi B and ICMR–Serosurvey Group. Hepatitis-B virus infection in India: Findings from a nationally representative serosurvey, 2017-18.\ IJID Sept 2020 ( IF: 3.2)

    65. Shivlata L. Pacholi S Chouksey K V Barde PV Molecular Characterization of Hepatitis B virus reveals circulation of multiple subgenotypes of genotype D with clinically important mutations in Central India Indian J Med Microbiol. 2021 Jan 27:S0255-0857(21)00002-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmmb.2021.01.002. ( IF: 1.2)

    66. Kumar S, Kamraj P. Khan S A Allam R R, Barde PV, Dwibedi B and ICMR–Sero-survey Group Sero-prevalence of chikungunya virus infection in India, 2017: a cross-sectional population-based sero-survey Lancet Microbe 2021; e41–47( IF: 20.9)

    67. Murhekar M V Kamaraj P. Kumar Kha SA, Allam RR Barde PV, Dwibedi B and ICMR–Serosurvey Group. Immunity against diphtheria among children aged 5–17 years in India, 2017–18: a cross-sectional, population-based serosurvey Lancet Infect Dis. 2021 Jun;21(6):868-875. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30595-8. Epub 2021 Jan 21. (IF:24.44 )

    68. Shenoy P, Kohli GM, Kerketta A, Pathak P, Shetty S, Barde P, Chakma T, Sen A. Clinical profile and response to steroids in post-fever retinitis: a nine-year experience from a referral institute in the rural hinterland of Central India Int. Ophthalmol. 2021 Jul 23. doi: 10.1007/s10792-021-01978-9. ( IF: 2.03)

    69. Gupta N , Kaur H , Yadav P , Mukhopadhyay L , Sahay RR , Kumar A , Nyayanit DA , Shete AM , Patil S , Majumdar T , Rana S , Gupta S , Narayan J , Vijay N , Barde P , Natrajan G ,------, Abraham P Clinical characterization and Genomic analysis of COVID-19 breakthrough infections during second wave in different states of India. Viruses. 2021 Sep 7;13(9):1782. doi: 10.3390/v13091782. (IF 3.8)

    70. Kumar S, Kamraj P., Khan S A , Allam R R, Barde PV, Dwibedi B and ICMR–Sero-survey Group Seroprevalence of Dengue Infection Using IgG Capture ELISA in India, 2017-2018 66. Am. J Trop. Med Hyg 2021 Aug 9; tpmd210386. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0386 ( IF: 2.12)

    71. Chakma T, Thomas BE, Kohli S, Moral R, Menon GR, Periyasamy M, Venkatesh U, Kulkarni RN, Prusty RK, Balu V, Grover A, Kishore J, Viray M, Venkateswaran C, Mathew G, Ketharam A, Balachandar R, Singh PK, Jakhar K, Singh S, Devi R, Saha KB, Barde P, Singh R, John D, Mishra BK, Yadav J, Agarwal S, Rao VV, Panda S. Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers in India & their perceptions on the way forward - A qualitative study Indian J Med Res. 2021 Oct 1. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.ijmr_2204_21. ( IF 2.1)

    72. Kumar NP, Kumar A, Panneer D, Abidha S, Muthukumaravel S, Sankari T, Ajithlal PM, Mathew J, Koothradan S, Paramasivan R, Muniyaraj M, Singh H, Saxena R, Vijayachari P, Sunish IP, Shriram AN, Dutta P, Patgiri SJ, Bhattacharyya DR, Hoti SL, Chattopadhyay D, Roy S, Mahapatra N, Pati S, Chand G, Mishra AK, Barde P, Jambulingam P. Nation-wide vector surveillance on Zika and Dengue did not indicate transmission of the "American lineage pandemic ZIKA virus" in India. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Sep 30:S1201-9712(21)00780-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2021.09.074 (IF 3.6)

    73. Sonkar A, Bishwal S. C, Sharma R. K. Barde PV Prevalence of Hepatitis D virus antibodies in Hepatitis B patients treated at tertiary care unit at Jabalpur Central India” Indian J Med Microbiol. 2021 Nov 17:S0255-0857(21)04707-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmmb.2021.11.003. ( IF: 1.2)

    74. Sharma D, Sangal L, Vijay N, Nalavade U, Krishnasamy K, Pawar S, Kaur H, Narayan J, Rane S, Narkar M, Arumugam R, D D, Sugunan AP, Balakrishnan A, Joseph B, Turuk J, Sabat J, Sahoo P, Barde P, Sahare L, Ukey M, Kumar M, Sinha N, Bhuttoo ZA, Vijayachari P, Chander P, Sharma S, D V, L G, Sharma C, Bhatnagar P, VanderEnde K, Kaundal N, Murugan R, Haldar P, Gadkari D, Aggarwal N, Gupta Innovative Strategy for Expansion of Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network in India Bull World Health Organ. 2022 Apr 1;100(4):247-255. doi: 10.2471/BLT.21.286999. Epub 2022 Feb 3. PMID: 35386556 (IF :NIL)

    75. Menon GR, Yadav J, Aggarwal S, Singh R, Kaur S, Chakma T, Periyasamy M, Venkateswaran C, Singh PK, Balachandar R, Kulkarni R, Grover A, Mishra BK, Viray M, Devi KR, Singh KHJ, Saha KB, Barde PV, Thomas B, Suresh C, A D, Watson B, Selvaraj P, Xavier G, John D, Menon J, Philip S, Mathew G, David A, Vaman RS, Sushan A, Singh S, Jakhar K, Ketharam A, Prusty R, Kishore J, Venkatesh U, Kumar S, Kanungo S, Sahoo K, Swain S, Lyngdoh A, Diengdoh J, Syiemlieh P, Sarkar A, Velhal G, Kharnare S, Nandanwar D, Rao MVV, Panda S. Psychological Distress and Burnout among Healthcare Worker during COVID-19 Pandemic in India- A cross-sectional study PLoS One. 2022 Mar 10;17(3):e0264956. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264956. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35271652 (IF:3.2)

    76. Gupta NIvedita et al Zika a vector borne disease detected in newer states of India amidst the COVID-19 pandemic March 2022 (Accepted in Frontiers in Microbiology, section Infectious Agents and Disease.) (IF: 5.64)

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